Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wheelan on Voters

Charles Wheelan echoes some of the same sentiments as Bryan Caplan.
The beauty of representative democracy is that our politicians give us what we want. Doesn't that make us the culpable party?

Anyone want to refute that? To imitate Stephen Colbert for a moment, if you do disagree with Wheelan’s inflection, you are essentially saying that our system is broken and that we may as well be living in a communist state, comrade.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, welcome back ;) I'm going to disagree with the statement "The beauty of representative democracy is that our politicians give us what we want."

The reality is that elected officials do not in fact do what everyone on society ones. They do what the perceived majority feels is right for society.

The elected majority typically sets the rules and standards, not the millions of voting Americans. Our 'representatives' vote for us in elections, so only electoral votes are cast from states ... not one vote for every person who actually voted. Not to mention that legally, our representatives can disagree with the majority and cast the electoral votes for the minority.

For the statement to be true, each person should have a representative in congress doing EXACTLY what he or she wants.

Cheers ;)