Monday, August 14, 2006


I say it’s about time, and some others may still question my sanity. Nevertheless, I called it. Let me set all this up.

What has come to me as conclusion of my accuracy? It is
this post from Jacqueline Passey. Before I go on, let me first say I HAVE NOT contacted Ms. Passey at any point in my lifetime. So, at the end of her post where she makes comments about stalkers and a bunch of weirdoes contacting her, I can thankfully count myself out of that crowd. Second, I called it. I made mention of my crush, and apparently everyone on the internet decided to jump on the bandwagon. The only thing that separates me from all of those other people is that I knew trying to contact Ms. Passey would only be an action done in vain. Also, that post shows that I was right to be so self-deprecating. And if you read Ms. Passey’s post, you’ll see why I was (and apparently still am) right about how much I suck with women.

With that said, let’s get on to the heart of the subject. This post was a long time coming from Jacqueline. She
time and time again made mention that she didn’t want to be around people (although she’s gotten over this), or look for a relationship. Jacqueline has now apparently gotten fed up with the amount of dudes looking for love.

So, let’s see how I called it. If at a social environment (i.e. bar, etc.) many close friends and acquaintances of mine would normally tell me go for it, and ask her out. But I would say, “No, I don’t think she’d like me.” I also want to take this opportunity to show how smart I am for never having contacted her in the first place (as it would be done only in vain). My friends would then tell me, “Mike, how do you know that she doesn’t like you?” Well, my friends, your question will now be answered.

I will now show you request by request (or demand by demand if you’d like) how I called all of this. I’ll of course be using
her post as a guideline. This is what she wants:

  • Men who are fit: Am I? I’m 5’11”, weigh 155, and play tennis as frequently as I can, but I don’t know exactly what her criteria is for fitness.
  • Attractive: If past history dictates anything about a prevailing market (which even though it shouldn’t, it usually does), then the dating market to me would prove that I am as attractive as a halibut.
  • Intelligent: Sure, I have a four year degree in finance, and a minor in economics, but who doesn’t these days. Today, you can send away four box-tops from Lucky Charms cereals boxes, wait 6-8 weeks, and then get your diploma in the mail. And if you really want to get specific with IQ (she said worse case scenario, hers is 130) then I’m not even sure the scale would go low enough to quantify mine. The simple fact that I’ve never had my IQ measured shows that I’m probably not up to her standards.
  • Educated: I made a joke using Lucky Charms; I do not believe anything else needs to be said.
  • Financially Successful: I’m not. I have a job I like, a car I like, but the problem is that I’m sure Ms. Passey would rather me make more money than I currently do.

Ms. Passey goes on to say that she can add on “all sorts of additional requirements” if she wants to. So, I’d like to address those…

  • Must be atheist: I have no way of fighting that one. I believe God’s out there, somewhere, terrorizing me with females on the internet whose sole purpose on earth is to show everyone how much better they are than me.
  • Must be Libertarian: The problem with that one is that I don’t know if I am or not. Sure, I love the free-market, but so does Arnold Kling, a libertarian and a person whom I respect. But if I’m not mistaken, I think Arnold may have called for the killing of an entire type of people.
  • Must not want (more) children: Okay, hey, I won one. Although that means that my family name would then cease. But, some people might think of that as a good thing.
  • Must be financially independent or self-employed and available for frequent world travel, etc.: Wow, um, man, I’m screwed now. Maybe I’m financially independent, although lets just say no. Self-employed, no. Frequent world travel, as long as it doesn’t go above my miniscule two-week vacation.

Okay, now that we’ve done that, why don’t I score myself? Well, one good reason not to score myself is that I haven’t quantified any of this. So, I’ll just use an arbitrary system based on a 100 point total. I think that with only the first demands looked at, I scored a 65 out of 100. I was going to give myself a 59, but I speak Greek, and I thought it was cool that I was fluently bilingual, something that Ms. Passey is not (yet). With her other added on restrictions, my score I think it would probably come out to 47 out of 100. Why? Because according to Ms. Passey's guidelines, I suck.

Later on in her post, Ms. Passey writes, “I realize that some of you will find this post depressing because you’ll realize that you don’t qualify as a high quality man and thus won’t be able to get a high quality woman.” What’s really sad here is that I became depressed BEFORE she made this post. It’s just the way I am with women. What her post does do is prove that I have been right about my “product qualities” in the dating market all along.

So, Ms. Passey, while
your post has probably sent me and many other unfortunate people like me off to suicide, I do want to close by writing this: You are right, but then again, so am I.


Anonymous said...

I can't tell how much of this post is sarcastic or not, but if it makes you feel any better you seem much more appealing than most of the men who e-mail me. You're also much more attractive than a halibut.

This isn't a come on, though -- when I'm ready to start dating again I'll probably limit myself to people who are also self-employed and mobile.

Anonymous said...

Michael: I feel ya man! I am the same with the object of my affection....we'll just call him Hank. I'm fairly sure I would never meet his qualifications so I don't try....but then he's out enjoying life and I'm at home reading blogs of the lonely and depressed.

I did like the Lucky Charms joke and wholeheartedly agree!

Michael Katsimbris said...

First let me say thanks for actually commenting on my blog. Other than my friend, Kevin, I think you two are the only people to ever comment.

Second, as much I try to be sarcastic and funny (successful or not) the post was sincere in that Jacqueline did prove something that I've been arguing to my friends for several years now. That for whatever reason, I'm just not good enough for many women. I think Jacqueline did a tremendous job of wording very well, what many great women really do want (and most likely deserve).

I want to also thank you for the well-wishing. I appreciate it very much.

Hopefully tomorrow we'll get back on to some economics.

Anonymous said...

Jeeze!Listening to Jackie isn't going to get you far. Nor will her compiments. She considers this "very hot":

Anonymous said...

From the fact that you can write coherently with a respectable degree of logical organization, I'd guess that you're probably in about the same category of intelligence as our two most recent presidential candidates(this is to say probably around the 125 level) or perhaps a bit higher. So while Jacqueline might well be somewhat smarter than you, she's hardly out of your league in that respect.
I note that you're a practicing theist. I'd seriously suggest that you consider eharmony. Believe it or not, it has a pretty favorable ratio of women to men in your demographic (college educated, religious, professional, never married). It seems to have worked for me, having met my current fiancee through it. Best of luck to you.

Anonymous said...


Self depreciation in small doses is cute...but you're taking it too far.

You have a job. That makes you quite attractive to many women.
You have an education.

You're reasonably attractive.

You'll either believe that and act on it - in your town with someone in the vincinity i.e. ask her out - or not.

Ms. Passey at 28 already has 2 failed marriages and a recent bust up.

I would not take her comments in her blog to heart.

Anonymous said...


I honestly think you are too good for Jacqueline. If we want to get superficial like she has and look at attractiveness, you really should aim higher. Not to mention you aren't arrogant and over-confident like Ms. Passey (you shouldn't pump her enormous ego anymore than you have).

Anonymous said...

The problem is OVER ANALYZING your station in life to the point where you are obsessed by it. Sounding whiney and putting yourself down and worrying about "why chicks don't like me" isn't going to land you that certain someone.

I used to have a friend that did nothing but obsess over finding a mate and was depressed all the time, not a fun situation.

Ridding yourself of the fear of rejection will help tremendously in talking to women, talk to as many women as you possibly can. Even if you don't find them attractive, its good practice for starting conversations. That way when you meet a real knock-out you won't be freaked out.

I don't know if any of you are outdoorsman, but I am. Woman are like deer, you have to shoot as many as you can, even if they aren't trophy bucks (deer that is) so that way when the trophy buck steps out of the woods you won't choke and miss your shot. Sorry if that offends any anti-hunters but it's sound adivce that has actually works in real life.

P.S. Don't hit on internet chicks, do it in real life, it's way more exciting.

Michael Katsimbris said...

Once again, thank you all for the comments. This is the kind of discourse that I’m looking for. Even though I don’t know from personal experience, economic think tanks most likely work in a similar fashion of people providing their own expetise as well of that of other people they know.

In the end, we will all most likely come up with a good perspective on our personal history and then think up the possible different choices to make in terms of changing our (my) behavior. That’s one of the reasons I started looking into this subject.

Also, one underlying theme in all of this is the difficulty in trying to gauge our own qualities and if they can (or even should) be rated. Again, let me re-iterate the matching hypothesis (

Now, I’m not sure, but I think that my friends are probably right in that I just don’t exhibit the fortitude (guts, if you will) to ask anyone out. But I think change is something that can happen.

Let’s just take a look at the world of entertainment. I’m still having difficulty believing that Flava of Luv was such a popular show. Honestly, remember when Murphy Brown was a popular show? Change can happen.

Anonymous said...

You sound like a cool dude.

First off, Ms. Passey would probably be cool hang out with. BUT, she has four names...pretentious? Probably, although she may just be doing that to get a rise out of folks. If so, it worked on me.

Enough of that. You need to stop the self-deprecation. Start thinking positively. Stop talking about how you are not good enough to do X. You are, you just don't know it or realize it. Talking in negative terms sets your mind up for a self-fulfilling prophecy. Even if you are only doing this to make the blog interesting, STOP IT.

Read Psychocybernetics by Maltz and do the exercises therein. Then read David DeAngelo's ebook. Solid gold. Report back with your successes, please.


Anonymous said...

Ha. Please do not rely so heavily on what JMPP classifies as a "quality" man. I found her post hilarious, but I'm a single woman who's already 30, so I'm simply on the downward spiral to fat spinsterhood.

Anonymous said...

Jeez. STOP putting yourself down so much. It's beyond mild self-deprecation, you've got some thinly veiled self-loathing going on there. Sure, you're not Superman, but you've got as much going as the next guy and maybe more. Hate to do the whole positive thinking thing to ya, but if you believe you're worthwhile, women will too. Not all of them, but trust me, most men can only handle one at a time so that's all you need. If hitting on real live girls is too intimidating, start by posting an internet personal and maybe finding a female version of you (shy, doesn't think she's good enough) to date. They're out there. You'll bolster each other's self-confidence.

Anonymous said...

Think you can or think you can't.
Either way you're right.